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杨光磊,男,兰州大学“萃英”博士后。研究领域为能源转型驱动机理、全流程低碳技术创新、低碳发展等。研究成果主要发表在 iScience、Energy Economics 、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Energy、Ecological Indicators、Journal of Cleaner ProductionEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research等国际主流期刊。担任Energy Efficiency 、Journal of Cleaner Production、Indoor and Built Environment、系统工程理论与实践等多个国内外期刊审稿工作。




  1. Guanglei Yang, Guoxing Zhang, Dongqin Cao, Donglan Zha, Bin Su. China’s ambitious low-carbon goals require fostering city-level renewable energy transitions. iScience, 2023.(Cell子刊,in press.)

  2. Donglan Zha,Guanglei Yang,Wenzhong Wanget al. Appliance energy labels and consumer heterogeneity: A latent class approach based on a discrete choice experiment in China. Energy Economics,2020. (SSCI, IF=7.042, ABS***, 中科院TOP期刊)

  3. Donglan Zha,Guanglei Yang,Qunwei Wang. Investigating the driving factors of regional CO2 emissions in China using the IDA-PDA-MMI method. Energy Economics,2019. (SSCI, IF=7.042, ABS***, 中科院TOP期刊)

  4. Guanglei Yang,Donglan Zha,Xiaojuan Wanget al. Exploring the nonlinear association between environmental regulation and carbon intensity in China: The mediating effect of green technology. Ecological Indicators,2020. (SCI+SSCI双检索,IF=4.985)

  5. Guanglei Yang,Wei Zhang,Donglan Zha. Industrial production: Pursuing scale expansion or pollution reduction? Judgment based on the Copeland-Toylor model. Journal of Cleaner Production,2019. (SCI+SSCI双检索,IF=9.297, ABS**, 中科院TOP期刊)

  6. Guanglei Yang,Donglan Zha,Chaoqun Zhanget al. Does environment-biased technological progress reduce CO2 emissions in APEC economies? Evidence from fossil and clean energy consumption. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020.(SCI+SSCI双检索,IF=4.223)

  7. Guanglei Yang , Donglan Zha. How Does Biased Technological Progress Affect Haze Pollution? Evidence from APEC Economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. (SCI, IF=4.223)

  8. Cao, Dongqin, Can Peng and Guanglei Yang*. The pressure of political promotion and renewable energy technological innovation: A spatial econometric analysis from China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022.(SSCI ,ABS***,通讯作者 ).

  9. Cao, Donqin, Can Peng, Guanglei Yang* and Wei Zhang. How Does the Pressure of Political Promotion Affect Renewable Energy Technological Innovation? Evidence from 30 Chinese Provinces.  Energy, 2022. (SCI, 中科院一区, 通讯作者)

  10. Wei Zhang,Xuan Tang,Guanglei Yang, Donglan Zha. Decomposition of CO2 emission intensity in Chinese MIs through a development mode extended LMDI method combined with a production-theoretical approach. Science of The Total Environment , 2020.(SCI, IF=7.963, 中科院TOP期刊)

  11. Qian Chen  , Donglan Zha , Lijun Wang,  Guanglei Yang. The direct CO2 rebound effect in households: Evidence from China's provinces. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021.(SCI, IF=14.982, 中科院TOP期刊)

  12. Chaoqun Zhang,Donglan Zha,Guanglei Yang,Fu Wang. The effect of differential leadership on employees’ thriving at work in China: a moderated mediating model. Chinese Management Studies,2021. (SSCI, IF=1.676)


  1. 中国博士后科学基金:可再生能源技术创新如何驱动我国能源转型:理论机制与实证检验(2022M711448

  2. 中央高校基本科研业务费定向探索项目:碳中和愿景下中国省域能源转型的综合评价、动力机制和政策研究(22lzujbkydx047)


  1. 国家社科基金重大项目《碳中和目标下我国能源转型风险与管控体系研究》(22ZDA113)

  2. 国家社科基金重点项目《碳中和目标驱动下多能互补体系的协同机理与实现路径研究》(21AZD112)

  3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《多能互补的协同运行体系及其宏观效应研究》(72034003)

  4. 国家自然科学基金专项项目《实现双碳目标的能源电力系统转型风险传导机制研究》(72243006)

  5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目《可再生能源发展的驱动机理及路径选择》(71834003)

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《定制化信息反馈对个人节能行为的影响及路径研究—基于现场实验的方法》(72074111)

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《亲环境规范下消费者对能效标识的感知-态度-行为研究—基于社会实验的方法》(71673134)